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About us

The German Bakery in Jogjakarta intends to supply high quality pastries and other European specialties to the Jogjakartan people.
For now, we get all our products supplied by the famous Jogjakartan Hani's Bakery, a local professional baker.
We struggle hard to find an optimal way between very healthy, high quality products and affordable prices for our products are also affordable for Jogja's less well-off people and its abundant students who are understandably traditionally short of money.
Our goal is to make the local people'sn nutrition a little bit more healthy. We want to be a well-known place where people go to in order to get their healthy basic daily food and we always want to improve. That is why we appreciate it a lot if you, as our customer, tell us every single detail you miss or would like to see improved with us. Please always feel free to tell us your wishes and comments! You can do this either directly face-to-face to any of our staff, anonimously by a provided quality card put in our wish box or through our contact form. Thank you a lot for your support.